V-Fund a charity club whose mission is to help peopl, find the best solutions with minimal effort and maximum results, and create an up-to-date system of work.
The main goal of this Fund is to provide great assistance and support to orphanages, boarding schools, nursing homes and all those who need it. The Fund also cooperates with similar funds, such as " Элим барсынбы?", «Active Jugend», and together with Them creates and implements large-scale projects.
Instagram - @v.fund![](http://alatoo.edu.kg/image?img=image_35-359468_here-clipart-hand-pointer-click-here-hand-icon_1858495041107662382.jpg)
Президент - Нурсель Билимбекова nursel.bilimbekova@alatoo.edu.kg
Вице-президент - Довлят Керимов Dovliat.kerimov@alatoo.edu.kg
Вице-президент - Раушан Иманалиева Raushan2805@icloud.com
Лидер организационного комитета - Чынгыз Алмазов chyngyz.almazov@alatoo.edu.kg
Лидер финансового отдела - Бибинур Азаматова Azamatovabibinur@gmail.com
Лидер СМИ – Дианa Нурдинова diana.nurdinova@alatoo.edu.kg
Лидер HR - Бермет Маматжалилова bermet.mamatzhalilova@alatoo.edu.kg
Лидер Внешней политики - Айжамал Сагынбаева aizhamal.sagynbaeva@alatoo.edu.kg